If you’ve never tried to can toms it’s very easy as they are high acid and you can’t get botulism from them.
DO NOT use aluminum pot or utensils.
- Sterilize your jars, lids, ladles & spoons in hot water.
- In a big pot cook toms, peppers, onions, salt, pepper & Italian herbs
- When cooked down to where the veggies are soft but not mushy
- Put them into HOT, sterile canning jars, leave 1/4 inch of room @ the top of the jar (for breathing)
- Cover tightly with clean, hot lids
- Place them on a shelf away from any breeze, leave 1 inch between jars, cover with a light towel.
- After they’ve sealed (listen for the tops to ‘click’ as they cool and seal) then put them in a closet or on the shelve and they’ll last for several yrs. Be sure they aren’t put where they will freeze.
- You can do so many of these and you won’t need to take up freezer space.
Recipe by Owally